
Tag: First nations Business

National indigenous group wants a rethink on salmon farming ban in B.C.

National Circle for Indigenous Agriculture and Food decries hearsay, activism, and negative messaging about salmon farming in B.C. By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews A national Indigenous organization…

Salmon farming in BC’s oceans being sacrificed for political gain

“It is frustrating to know that we have done everything right and are still being dictated to by politicians who would rather appease special interest…

Anti-salmon farming activists pit First Nation against First Nation

Many First Nations, who supposedly have lent their support to an anti-fish farming lobby group, are themselves involved in projects that pose a myriad of…

First Nations share their aquaculture success stories

“When you purchase seafood from us, you join our journey and become part of the circle.   Every purchase breathes new life into your community and…

Leonardo DiCaprio needs an education about salmon farming

BC’s salmon farmers and First Nations invite Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio to tour their operations after he repeats false information about salmon aquaculture. By Fabian…

Canada failing First Nations salmon farming communities in BC

“We are the stewards of our territories. We are salmon farmers. We have always managed these fish in our traditional territories, and we will continue…

“The ocean is not an aquarium” says U.N.

World Oceans Day message to develop aquaculture more effectively resonates with Canada’s First Nations, seafood farmers and coastal communities. By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews The United Nations…

Aquaculture: Minister accused of ignoring First Nations voices

“This minister does not seem to grasp what real reconciliation means when it comes to aquaculture and salmon farming.” By Fabian Dawson & Samantha McLeod…

Hypocrite federal politicians killing aquaculture jobs in BC

Thousands of aquaculture jobs on the line as federal MPs doublespeak to shut down salmon farms in British Columbia. By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews It was less…

Minister can’t be “trusted” say salmon farming First Nations

First Nations’ leaders call for ouster of Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray following her controversial, unscientific and damaging decision to shut down salmon farms in BC…