
Tag: Aquaculture in Canada

“Can’t do” approach plagues aquaculture sector in Canada

Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance calls for a shakeup at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) to address the perceived conflict of interest at the…

Another day, another lie by anti-salmon farming activists

Fisheries and Oceans Canada denies claims by anti-aquaculture activists of increased farmed salmon production in British Columbia’s Clayoquot Sound By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews The Government of…

Exhibition dives into history, Innovations and challenges of aquaculture

Aquaculture: Farming the Waters is a new exhibition at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews The past, present and future of aquaculture…

“Responsible aquaculture is needed” says Buy BC’s new Chef Ambassador

“If our growing population wants to keep eating fish (and I certainly want to) the future includes farming,” – Chef Ned Bell By Samantha McLeodSeaWestNews…

Nova Scotia seeks public input on aquaculture expansion

Strong support continues for salmon farmers and the aquaculture industry as a whole in Atlantic Canada By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Nova Scotia, Canada’s top seafood exporting…

Net gains from aquaculture growing around the world

Record aquaculture production makes critical contribution to global food security says UN By Samantha McLeodSeaWestNews Aquaculture has grown faster than capture fisheries in the last…

‘Wild and farmed salmon can both exist in our waters’

First Nation, that is calling for an Aquaculture Zone in its traditional territories, signs historic agreement to determine how its land, water and natural resources…

False facts matter to BC’s anti-salmon farming activists

After losing two recent court cases, anti-salmon farming activists in BC have embarked on a concerted campaign to discredit aquaculture and fisheries scientists CommentaryBy Fabian…

Land-based salmon farming not for us: First Nations coalition

Aquaculture-dependent First Nations decry Ottawa’s lack of understanding on what transitioning open-net salmon farming to growing fish on land means to remote Indigenous coastal communities….

Fisheries Minister provides “non-answers” for BC’s salmon farmers

“The decision will be made when it needs to be made,” – Fisheries Minister, Joyce Murray on the soon-to-expire aquaculture licences for BC’s salmon farmers….

Licences in limbo threaten thousands of aquaculture jobs

Vancouver Island communities will lose more than 4,700 aquaculture-related jobs if the Federal Government does not renew 79 salmon farming licences immediately By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews…

As Canada dithers, nations move to expand aquaculture

Unlike Canada, which keeps bowing to anti-aquaculture activists, countries around the world are taking strident steps to expand seafood farming in their waters with new…

Cooke wins aquaculture boundary expansion in Nova Scotia

Decision is the latest blow to anti-salmon farm activists, who keep falsely claiming that marine aquaculture operations are responsible for dwindling wild stocks. By Fabian…

Anti-salmon farm activists trample on First Nations’ rights

Anti-salmon farm activists are signalling that the collective and individual rights of First Nations should be disregarded when it comes to marine aquaculture operations in…

Canadian fish farmers get a code of practice

First ever Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farmed Salmonids will further support the sustainability of the Canadian aquaculture sector By Fabian…

Aquaculture pioneer honoured by Atlantic Canada salmon farmers

“There’s nothing quite like the feeling you get when you put a wild salmon back into its native river,”  – Betty House, 2021 recipient of…

Documentaries vs ‘Shockumentaries’ in the world of aquaculture

Misleading claims, erroneous statistics and out-of-context interviews dominate ‘Shockumentaries’ that pedal falsehoods about aquaculture, especially salmon farming. By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Documentary filmmakers are creative artists…

What Canada’s next Fisheries Minister needs to do about aquaculture

Canada’s next Fisheries Minister, the fifth in just six years, needs to think outside the box for the sustainable growth of aquaculture By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews…

Aquaculture key to meet food demand, says UN

Aquaculture is vital for feeding the world’s expanding population states the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews As Canada…

Minister ousted after controversial decisions on fisheries, aquaculture

Bernadette Jordan governed with a lack of clarity, bowing to demands from anti-aquaculture activists on Canada’s West Coast while being ineffective in the conflict between…

Party leaders ignore hot air from anti-aquaculture activists

An open invitation to party leaders to address the whopping increase in Greenhouse gas Emissions and other environmental challenges that will come from moving ocean-based…

Activists dish out $100,000 for anti-aquaculture election campaign

As land-based salmon farmers around the world face a financial bloodbath, activists push federal election candidates to support the immediate transition of maritime aquaculture operations…

Atlantic Sapphire’s aquaculture woes is a cautionary tale

Financial woes and setbacks at Atlantic Sapphire, the largest global onshore aquaculture company in the world, show the technology to replace ocean-based salmon farms to…

Aquaculture, fisheries giants recognised as drivers of BC’s economy

Dr. Diane Morrison ,managing director of Mowi Canada West, shares honours with five other leaders of BC’s aquaculture and fisheries industry By SeaWestNews The giants…

Net gains from aquaculture for First Nations businesses

“In the past 20 years I’ve advocated for aquaculture and believed in it even when others spoke down to it” – Richard Harry, a member…

Minister abandons science, salmon, First Nations, for votes

“If this was an industry other than salmon aquaculture, there would be an inquiry into the minister’s actions.” By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Canada’s Fisheries Minister Bernadette…

Aquaculture main driver of fish production globally

Maintaining aquaculture growth will require responsive and effective governance states UN food agency and the OECD By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Aquaculture is expected to be the…

Aquaculture in Canada: a tale of two coasts

Need for Canada to have a consistent regulatory framework for the aquaculture sector on full display By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews The need for Canada to have…

Minister thumbs her nose at judge, First Nations over aquaculture decision

Bowing to demands by eco-activists, Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan continues to demonstrate a complete lack of respect and concern for the people who depend on…

Aquaculture carbon footprint study on BC salmon farms

Should BC succumb to the demands of anti-fish farm activists to move all ocean-based salmon farms to land based operations, the province will see a…