
Tag: aquaculture

“It will be a shuckingly good seafood celebration”

BC Seafood Festival returns to the Comox Valley with a range of chefs and events to celebrate the bounty of our oceans. By Samantha McLeodSeaWestNews…

Politics drives Faustian salmon aquaculture pact in BC

“To remain in power, the PMO is willing to sacrifice the citizens and their children and future generations of Northern Vancouver Islanders to a life…

False facts matter to BC’s anti-salmon farming activists

After losing two recent court cases, anti-salmon farming activists in BC have embarked on a concerted campaign to discredit aquaculture and fisheries scientists CommentaryBy Fabian…

Land-based salmon farming not for us: First Nations coalition

Aquaculture-dependent First Nations decry Ottawa’s lack of understanding on what transitioning open-net salmon farming to growing fish on land means to remote Indigenous coastal communities….

First Nations want ‘Aquaculture Zone’ off Vancouver Island

“We are working towards sustainability of both fisheries and aquaculture…they can both exist in our waters, but it should be our community that decides what…

Respect our rights to salmon farming say First Nations

“Our coalition is opposed to the federal government disregarding science and bowing to unfounded activist claims on salmon farming that, if heeded, will severely damage…

Licences in limbo threaten thousands of aquaculture jobs

Vancouver Island communities will lose more than 4,700 aquaculture-related jobs if the Federal Government does not renew 79 salmon farming licences immediately By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews…

As Canada dithers, nations move to expand aquaculture

Unlike Canada, which keeps bowing to anti-aquaculture activists, countries around the world are taking strident steps to expand seafood farming in their waters with new…

Salmon farmer Mowi tops global sustainable protein rankings

Salmon farmers at the forefront of sustainable food production in the latest Coller FAIRR Protein Index, which ranks the world’s key food producers on sustainability…

Anti-salmon farm activists trample on First Nations’ rights

Anti-salmon farm activists are signalling that the collective and individual rights of First Nations should be disregarded when it comes to marine aquaculture operations in…

Aquaculture will help rebuild Salish Sea – tribal leader

“Sustainable fish-farming allows us to continue harvesting locally grown seafood without further depleting our native stocks. I firmly believe aquaculture is part of the solution, not…

Job losses mount over BC salmon farm closures

Workers at Vancouver Island salmon hatchery among the first casualties of the Discovery Islands’ decision, which is expected to kill 1,535 aquaculture-related jobs, mainly in…

Fishy fear mongering dominates new anti-salmon farm campaign

“Our salmon production is totally dependent upon a healthy ocean environment and we are on the seas constantly monitoring the waters we work in…not in…

Aquaculture propels First Nations, tribal communities towards ‘self-reliance’

New video shows the value of aquaculture for the environment and economic growth of  tribal communities in the Pacific Northwest By SeaWestNews Tribal communities across…

Documentaries vs ‘Shockumentaries’ in the world of aquaculture

Misleading claims, erroneous statistics and out-of-context interviews dominate ‘Shockumentaries’ that pedal falsehoods about aquaculture, especially salmon farming. By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Documentary filmmakers are creative artists…

What Canada’s next Fisheries Minister needs to do about aquaculture

Canada’s next Fisheries Minister, the fifth in just six years, needs to think outside the box for the sustainable growth of aquaculture By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews…

Aquaculture key to meet food demand, says UN

Aquaculture is vital for feeding the world’s expanding population states the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews As Canada…

Seafood farmers, agri-food producers unite for UN Summit

Canada’s seafood farmers, ranchers and agri-food producers pledge to develop food systems that serve people and planet as world leaders meet at historic UN Food…

Aquaculture leaders honour fish farming pioneer Dan Swecker

Former Washington state senator and war hero championed aquaculture as a job creator and as a way to produce local seafood that people could afford…

Party leaders ignore hot air from anti-aquaculture activists

An open invitation to party leaders to address the whopping increase in Greenhouse gas Emissions and other environmental challenges that will come from moving ocean-based…

An open letter to election candidates from BC’s salmon farmers

“With certainty and a secure future, BC’s aquaculture sector could invest an additional $1.4 billion in innovation and create nearly 10,000 new full-time jobs by…

Activists dish out $100,000 for anti-aquaculture election campaign

As land-based salmon farmers around the world face a financial bloodbath, activists push federal election candidates to support the immediate transition of maritime aquaculture operations…

Atlantic Sapphire’s aquaculture woes is a cautionary tale

Financial woes and setbacks at Atlantic Sapphire, the largest global onshore aquaculture company in the world, show the technology to replace ocean-based salmon farms to…

Aquaculture, fisheries giants recognised as drivers of BC’s economy

Dr. Diane Morrison ,managing director of Mowi Canada West, shares honours with five other leaders of BC’s aquaculture and fisheries industry By SeaWestNews The giants…

Net gains from aquaculture for First Nations businesses

“In the past 20 years I’ve advocated for aquaculture and believed in it even when others spoke down to it” – Richard Harry, a member…

Anti-salmon farm activists reap fruit from falsehoods

A new poll reveals that the falsehoods about salmon farming, precipitated by well-funded campaigns to destroy BC’s most valuable seafood export, has taken hold in…

Aquaculture will give America climate-friendly food security

“Aquaculture can help us to produce the additional food that we need, with a smaller carbon footprint, less consumption of fresh water, and reduced emissions…

UBC study debunks claims by anti-salmon farming activists

Apocalyptic fearmongering by anti-salmon farming activists dismantled by new scientific study By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews A new scientific study has dismantled the bogus claims by anti-aquaculture…

Minister abandons science, salmon, First Nations, for votes

“If this was an industry other than salmon aquaculture, there would be an inquiry into the minister’s actions.” By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Canada’s Fisheries Minister Bernadette…

Aquaculture main driver of fish production globally

Maintaining aquaculture growth will require responsive and effective governance states UN food agency and the OECD By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Aquaculture is expected to be the…