Then and now in BC’s salmon farming industry
Putting the evolution of BC’s salmon farming techniques in perspective so it makes sustainable sense on our dinner tables. CommentaryBy Samantha Bacchus McLeod There are…
Changes at the helm of the BC Salmon Farmers Association
Veteran aquaculture industry expert named as interim executive director of BC Salmon Farmers Association. By SeaWestNews The BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA) has announced that…
An open letter to election candidates from BC’s salmon farmers
“With certainty and a secure future, BC’s aquaculture sector could invest an additional $1.4 billion in innovation and create nearly 10,000 new full-time jobs by…
BC salmon farms decision attacked by aquaculture stakeholders
Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans announces new aquaculture engagement process as it defends decision to phase out salmon farms in BC’s Discovery Islands By…
Vancouver Island ready to grow with salmon farmers
Community support grows for BC’s salmon farmers as mayors and businesses call for their voices to be heard at the aquaculture-decision making tables. By Fabian…
BC salmon farmers to invest millions in aquaculture projects
BC salmon farmers plan $113 million in immediate aquaculture projects that will generate nearly 450 new well-paid jobs to help Vancouver Island in its post…