Land-based fish farmers in British Columbia say their nascent industry will be adversely impacted by the government’s proposed ban on traditional ocean-based salmon farming on Canada’s west coast.
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Land-based fish farmers in British Columbia say their nascent industry will be adversely impacted by the government’s proposed ban on traditional ocean-based salmon farming on Canada’s west coast.
As land-based salmon farmers around the world face a financial bloodbath, activists push federal election candidates to support the immediate transition of maritime aquaculture operations in BC to onshore tanks. …
Financial woes and setbacks at Atlantic Sapphire, the largest global onshore aquaculture company in the world, show the technology to replace ocean-based salmon farms to land based operations on a …
Critical incidents at Atlantic Sapphire is a cautionary tale for those pushing to move all ocean-based salmon farms to land-based closed containment systems in BC. By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Atlantic Sapphire …
New aquaculture technologies, as well as conventional net-pen systems, will all play a role in contributing to global production of salmon states new government report By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Transitioning all …
Those who think land-based fish farming can replace ocean-based aquaculture, may want to take a walk though this RAS cemetery By SeaWestNews Land-based fish farming seems to be the buzzword …
“There is a lack of experienced management in this area that can’t be built up in five years…and I am not sure who is going to insure these land based …
SeaWestNews highlights Canada’s seafood industry, focusing on sustainability, news, and insights to promote responsible practices in British Columbia and beyond.
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