
Tag: salmon farms

Open-net salmon farming ban in BC is illogical: The Food Prof.

“To me it doesn’t make any logical sense to do what the government is doing right now…from a food security perspective this decision is incredibly…

Why anti-salmon farming activists fear Canada’s new Fisheries Minister

“These activists are getting desperate…They want a minister, like the previous two, who will listen to their unfounded claims and ignore the peer-reviewed science about…

Former fisheries ministers accused of “unlawful conduct” in lawsuits

A series of lawsuits filed by salmon farmers and aquaculture support companies in British Columbia allege two former federal fisheries ministers engaged in “unlawful conduct.”…

MP under fire for spreading falsehoods about salmon farms

Rachel Blaney, MP for North Island–Powell River taken to task for making false assertions about BC’s salmon farming sector in letter to minister. By Fabian…

No science basis to shut down salmon farms, DFO told Minister

Internal memo shows Federal Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray was warned that she did not have evidence to substantiate her decision to shut down salmon farms…

‘Salmon farm shutdowns not based on science but on politics’

National agricultural and food associations remind Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of his commitment that science and evidence will form the basis of Canada’s policy and…

Canada’s salmon farmers need more collaboration not conflict

While the rest of the world is increasing aquaculture production, campaigners with varying self-interests have been determined to shut down salmon farms in Canada. Commentary…

Canada renews 79 licences for BC’s salmon farmers

Long awaited aquaculture announcement delivers a major blow to the science-deficit campaigns by anti-fish farming activists who want to shut down salmon farms in British…

Let us keep our salmon farms say First Nation leaders

Salmon aquaculture operations have brought us out of a dark era of depression, poverty, and suicides, say First Nation leaders in a series of poignant…

Federal Court rejects ministerial bid to shut down BC salmon farms

New ruling reaffirms that “salmon aquaculture in B.C. poses no more than a minimal risk to wild salmon”, countering the false claims by anti-fish farm…

Salmon farmer invests millions to improve aquaculture sustainability

Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. will employ ‘underwater eyes’ at its BC salmon farms for improved sustainability By SeaWestNews Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. (Grieg) has entered…

Demand for farmed salmon soars around the world

Seafood companies report record global gains as retail demand for sustainably farmed salmon grows By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews The global demand for farmed salmon is soaring…

New Fisheries Minister no fan of salmon farms in BC’s oceans

Despite her record as being opposed to open-net salmon farms in BC’s oceans, the aquaculture industry says it will work with Joyce Murray, Canada’s new…

Inside the secretive decision to shutter salmon farms in BC

Court hears that former Fisheries Minister kept her top officials and the aquaculture industry in the dark before making her science-deficit decision to shut down…

Aquaculture carbon footprint study on BC salmon farms

Should BC succumb to the demands of anti-fish farm activists to move all ocean-based salmon farms to land based operations, the province will see a…

Court allows baby salmon transfer in Discovery Islands

“The only evidence before me is that today, salmon aquaculture in B.C. poses no more than a minimal risk to wild salmon” Federal Court Judge, …

Spies and lies in anti-salmon farm activist’s book

Chapter in the book by eco-activist Alexandra Morton linking local company to Israeli spies is a “lie”, says owner of security agency hired to keep…

Letter – Salmon farm ban needs a judicial review

Salmon Farm Ban – “It appears to me that her “social licence” was a purely political decision.” By SeaWestNews In making her sudden decision to…

BC salmon farms shutdown will have devastating impacts

A new report lays bare widespread economic, human and animal welfare impacts that will result from shutting down salmon farms in BC’s Discovery Islands. By…

BC salmon farms decision attacked by aquaculture stakeholders

Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans announces new aquaculture engagement process as it defends decision to phase out salmon farms in BC’s Discovery Islands By…

‘Dead Loss’ report on aquaculture is dead wrong

BC Premier John Horgan takes aim at federal aquaculture decision, as calls mount for anti-salmon farm activist groups to be held accountable for spreading false…

“What now Prime Minister”, ask aquaculture millennial leaders

Decision to phase out salmon farms in BC’s Discovery Islands is having a profound impact on young people, who once looked ahead to a long…

Salmon farms key to Canada’s low carbon future

B.C. salmon farms emit only 2.2 kilograms of carbon dioxide for every kilogram of edible fish produced, not including the hot air by the anti-fish…

BC’s Blue Revolution with Kaitlin Guitard

“I see wild fish stocks depleting if salmon farms are forced to reduce production. I see salmon farms as the future for an affordable food…

BC’s Blue Revolution with Jay Pudota

“…farming fish will reduce the pressure on the wild stocks, and the technology developed in the farming industry will help in improving wild fish stocks…

Fact checking Morton’s diatribe about BC salmon farms

In a rambling conspiracy-laden letter, anti-salmon farm activist Alexandra Morton, accuses Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans of being a criminal organisation By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews…

Discovery Islands’ salmon farm closures will kill 1,498 jobs

Initial industry estimate pegs economic loss in North Vancouver Island’s coastal communities, dependent on salmon farms, at $379.7 million By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews The closure of…

‘Transition’ does not mean removing ocean salmon farms

“In British Columbia aquaculture is perfectly positioned to help drive economic growth,” – Terry Beech, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries, on the future…

Salmon farmers top global protein production rankings

Salmon farmers dominate the latest Coller FAIRR Protein Index, which ranks the world’s key food producers on sustainability By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Salmon farmers stand out…

Ancient First Nations tongues support aquaculture science

The ancient tongues of many BC First Nations support scientific conclusions that state wild salmon returns vary on cycles and have nothing to do with…