
Category: Canada

Canada’s salmon farmers push for Federal Aquaculture Act

Federal Aquaculture Act will build on an already impressive record of safety and sustainability, say Canada’s salmon farmers. By Fabian Dawson SeaWestNews Canada’s salmon farmers…

Land based fish farming a net loss for BC

Questioning the environmental sustainability of land-based fish farming systems. I have a degree in Environmental Sustainability and I work on a freshwater recirculating aquaculture system…

How Canada can help save Asia’s oceans

The global demand for seafood is steadily increasing. Population growth, rising per capita incomes, and urbanization are fueling a 7 – 9% increase in demand…

Kitchen getting crowded at BC Seafood Festival

BC Seafood Festival to showcase over 40 local, national and international chefs By Samantha McLeod SeaWestNews The kitchen is getting crowded at the 12th annual…

Employees help Cermaq achieve new salmon milestone

Cermaq thanks employees for helping it get Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s (ASC) salmon standards By SeaWestNews Thanks to the hard work and commitment from employees, more…

Ottawa funds to energize B.C. seafood production

Funding will enhance B.C.’s reputation for sustainable aquaculture and fishery practices says Lana Popham, BC Minister of Agriculture By Taz Bacchus SeaWestNews Ottawa has announced…

Why the world needs more aquaculture

Significant increase in demand predicted for farmed salmon and other aquaculture products by leading European experts and a new report By Fabian Dawson SeaWestNews The…

Credibility not on the menu for these BC chefs

Would these BC chefs be okay if food critics reviewed their restaurants without having eaten there? By Fabian Dawson SeaWestNews This week, the anti-fish farm…

A common vision to protect wild salmon

B.C. government releases advisory council report on salmon aquaculture By Fabian Dawson SeaWestNews A B.C. government panel’s report on aquaculture underscores the need for salmon…

Aquaculture’s popularity growing globally says new report

Global aquaculture market, valued at $170 billion, seen as major driver of the food industry worldwide By Fabian Dawson SeaWestNews The growing market for farmed…

Coastal communities speak up for BC’s salmon farming industry

Premier John Horgan inundated with letters from the often neglected voices in BC’s coastal communities that depend on salmon farms By Samantha McLeod SeaWestNews Workers…

Calvin Helin to deliver keynote address at BC Seafood Expo 2018

Calvin Helin is a leading authority on economic independence for First Nations. By Samantha McLeod SeaWestNews Calvin Helin, a First Nations entrepreneur, lawyer, and best-selling…

 Court dismisses ‘Namgis application to stop restocking fish farm

Marine Harvest says it will continue to seek engagement with the ‘Namgis First Nation to find collaborative solutions for fish farming operations in BC. By…

“Salmon capital of the world” wants Federal Aquaculture Act

Polarized sides in aquaculture debate need to realize there’s a middle ground somewhere that is well worth trying to find, states Campbell River Chamber of…

Anti-fish farm activists leave taxpayers with hefty bills

Another government review, costing $100,000, dismisses claims by anti-fish farm activists in British Columbia By Fabian DawsonSeawestNews More often than not, when scientists debunk the…

B.C. lab cleared of conflict accusations over salmon farms

The health and wellbeing of British Columbia’s wild and farmed salmon populations are of paramount importance to both the province’s ecosystem and economy. “Don Wright,…

 Aquaculture is the wave of the future for World Champion surfer

10-time world champion paddler and surfer, Jamie Mitchell, in film to showcase sustainable fish farming. Aquaculture is sustainable. By Samantha McLeod SeaWestNews Legendary champion paddler…

Canada’s fish and seafood exports strong and growing

The value of Canada’s fish and seafood exports continued trending upward in 2017 with $6.9 billion in exports just last year. By Fabian Dawson SeaWestNews…

Vancouver Island Good, where the living is food

New campaign to showcase food, fish and everything else grown or made on Vancouver Island By Samantha McLeod SeaWestNews The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA)…

Crime Stoppers and BC Salmon Farmers launch unique environmental tip line in B.C.

BC Salmon Farmers first group to step up to the plate as Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers initiates unique partnership to fight poaching and pollution By…

Black Soldier Fly on a new mission for salmon farms

David Suzuki’s insect-feed brainchild will help make salmon farming more sustainable but he is bugged about it. By Fabian Dawson The short and unremarkable life…

BC salmon and shellfish are Made In Canada products

Did you know that the second largest seafood consumption is farmed salmon? Members of BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA) grows the world’s most desired fish….

Fish farming regulations are stringent in BC, Canada

Bad salmon farming practices in a different country must not affect our stringently regulated fish farming industry. “VANCOUVER—A Washington senator says he wants to see…

3 billion people rely on seafood to survive

“Approximately three billion people in the world rely on both wild-caught and farmed seafood as their primary source of protein.”  WWF Sustainable Seafood (link below)…

Wild salmon facing toxic punch from stormwater runoff

Stormwater runoff of urban roadways pose toxic danger to wild salmon Washington State University researchers have found that salmon face a double whammy when they…

Why the Washington State fish farm collapse is an “unlikely event” in B.C.

Industry veterans say that the salmon farming industry practice of adopting state-of-the art technology to clean pen nets in B.C. is among the world’s best…

Cermaq helps First Nations students pursue bright futures

Keenan Andrew is getting closer to finally starting the career he’s been working towards for years, thanks in part to a scholarship from Cermaq Canada….

Growing fish for a growing World: The Future of Salmon Aquaculture

By Caroline Graham The North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission(NPAFC) Increasingly, national and international government organizations are pointing to aquaculture as a solution (Food and Agriculture…

Aquaculture industry supports talks to address UNDRIP issues in BC

“We are prepared to do the necessary hard work to find a path forward together in the Broughton Archipelago in keeping with and enacting the…

First Nations author warns of paid “puppets and props” used to plug resource projects in Canada.

We don’t need any green college fund babies telling us what to do in our territories says Calvin Helin, a multi-award winning author, international speaker,…