
Category: Viewpoint

Letter – Salmon farm ban needs a judicial review

Salmon Farm Ban – “It appears to me that her “social licence” was a purely political decision.” By SeaWestNews In making her sudden decision to…

Beyond the decision to close salmon farms in the Discovery Islands

MP and husband hold celebratory dinner as North Vancouver Island reacts to the closure of salmon farms in the Discovery Islands, that will likely kill…

Fact checking the anti-fish farm fiction

“While anti-farming opponents rely on outdated and fabricated misinformation to spin their fiction, the world is moving ahead with sustainable salmon aquaculture” CommentaryBy John Paul…

Why I support BC’s salmon farmers – Mayor, Port Hardy

“Critics should get up to speed on the leading-edge technology that modern salmon farmers are using, and the science that tells us farmed and wild…

Ancient First Nations tongues support aquaculture science

The ancient tongues of many BC First Nations support scientific conclusions that state wild salmon returns vary on cycles and have nothing to do with…

No sea lice violations at B.C. salmon farms, says DFO

This Canada Day, fact check the claims being made by a noisy few who threaten our food supply security CommentaryBy Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews More so than…

‘Sea lies’ plague fish farmers in Nova Scotia

“COVID-19 has shown us the importance of local food production and the essential role aquaculture plays.” CommentaryBy Tom Smith It is an unfortunate reality that…

Destroying a fishery will not save Southern Resident Killer Whales

“Taking legal action to shut down a scientifically managed and authorized troll salmon fishery will do little or nothing for the endangered SRKW but will…

A salute to our farmers, on land and sea

“There is a palpable growing appreciation of our farmers, both on land and sea, who continue to toil outdoors, so we can safely nourish indoors.”…

The importance of our farmers in BC

Trust that our agriculture/aquaculture farmers are protecting themselves, and society, as they continue to produce food daily Too often we take for granted the essential…

NIMBY-ism in the Nova Scotia aquaculture debate

“The future of the salmon farming industry in Nova Scotia, whatever that may be, requires goodwill and communication between all stakeholders” CommentaryBy Brian Rogers With…

Why aquaculture needs a science-led democracy

“If campaigns against salmon farming were based on facts, I wouldn’t be writing this article.” CommentaryBy Ian Roberts As activists continue to sidestep the democratic…

Canada embraces aquaculture globally while choking it at home

Why are we funding sustainable aquaculture initiatives overseas while trying to kill it in British Columbia? Commentary By Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews Aquaculture is a cornerstone of…

A new dawn for aquaculture in the Pacific Northwest

In the debate over global warming and ocean acidification, most reasonable people say we should listen to NOAA scientists and give credence to NOAA data. …

“Wolves” feast on the vulnerability of Canada’s seafood farmers

Relentless attacks by foreign funded special interest groups destroying livelihoods of seafood farmers and families in coastal communities CommentaryBy Mark Lane As a proud Newfoundlander…

Confusion at the fish counter: How to eat seafood responsibly

Eating farmed fish helps reduce reliance on already vulnerable wild fish stocks. It also has a lower carbon footprint than terrestrial livestock farming By Jenny…

Liberal election platform betrayal will destroy our livelihoods in the aquaculture industry

“If implemented, this campaign-promise means shutting down our aquaculture industry and throwing 7,000 British Columbians out of work, including us.” CommentaryBy Brad Rempel, Kenny Leslie…

Liberals sacrifice rural salmon-farm jobs to win over urban activists’ votes

Trudeau’s new platform defies government’s own commitment to making decisions on aquaculture based on science and ignores the facts to mandate an unworkable solution to…

It’s not about wild first, it’s about votes first

Where is the application of the precautionary principle to protect wild salmon when it comes to the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project? CommentaryBy Fabian…

Inside Trudeau’s fishy political promise that will be a net loss for Canadians

Why the Liberal Party is short-circuiting and disrespecting its own evidence based policy-making process for B.C.’s salmon farming industry. CommentaryBy Fabian DawsonSeaWestNews There is a…

How we can feed the planet while saving the oceans

“Our vision is to stimulate a ‘race to the top’ among investors in which sustainable aquaculture and the wider ocean environment are the ultimate winners.”…

There is a reel life bias in Patagonia’s fishy film

  Patagonia’s interest in protecting our environment is commendable, but its hypocrisy and blind incrimination of aquaculture while itself exploiting wild fish severely undermine its…

Why Canada needs to grow its aquaculture industry

Regulators, working with communities, scientists and investors, should re-double their efforts to find a way to let the aquaculture industry grow and thrive. Commentary By…

My first trip to a salmon farm

While it may not be reasonable to visit all the places where your food is farmed, it is a reasonable expectation to know the source…

Observations of a river snorkeler

“The power of the fish, of the river, it’s an awesome encounter’ – Chris Walling By SeaWestNews Chris Walling of Vancouver Island has a strong…

Comox Valley BC Seafood Festival – An Experience for life

Life has its own way of shaping our paths, life will even create road maps for us… for me it came in the form of BC Seafood…

Salmon Farms : A River Snorkeler’s Observations

My Name is Chris Walling, and I am a supporter of British Columbia’s salmon farms and farmers. I have a strong understanding of the importance…

Anti-salmon farm individuals give “activist” a bad name

Chicagoans who are active in the social and political spheres are gearing up for a busy few months. We are heading into what promises to…

Armed with lies, anti-fish farm activists seek your cash

Some First Nations leaders have ingeniously tied the fish farming discourse into treaty claims knowing that the politics of aboriginal rights are easier to manipulate…

Moving the salmon-farm debate from conflict to conservation

New executive director of the BC Salmon Farmers Association plans to change the narrative around the “misunderstood industry” of salmon farming By Fabian Dawson &…