Contributions from over 60 leading researchers comprehensively addresses the questions of sustainability of cleaner fish use in aquaculture
By SeaWestNews
Over 60 leading global researchers have come together in a landmark book that comprehensively addresses the questions of sustainability of cleaner fish use in aquaculture.
Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications reviews and presents new knowledge on the biology of the utilised cleaner fish species, and provides protocols in cleaner fish rearing, deployment, health and welfare.
Written by a team of internationally-recognised experts in cleaner fish biology, culture and deployment the book is an essential purchase for hatchery managers, salmonid producers, fish farm operatives, researchers, regulators, students and enthusiasts working with, and interested in, cleaner fish.
Cleaner fish are increasingly being deployed in aquaculture and the the main cleaner fish species in current use in salmon farming, is now one of the fastest expanding aquaculture sectors with over 40 hatcheries in Norway alone.
Some of the key features of this important book:
- Provides a comprehensive review of the latest globally-available information on the use of cleaner fish under one cover
- Highlights and addresses the main issues in the farming of cleaner fish, and provides guidance on how to improve growth and survival
- Identifies issues in the farm application of cleaner fish and provides details on how to address these issues
The book is edited by Jim Treasurer, former Research Director at the Ardtoe Marine Research Facility.
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